Who we are

Our philosophy is that no-one should have to pay more than their fair share of tax.  It is also important that your hard-earned wealth is protected.

Our own family members have always been in business, and believed in fairness and the value of hard work.  But we have too often seen business people be put through tough times by the ATO and others who use their greater resources and power, and understanding of the legal system.  We do not think that is right.

We think it is important to stand up for our clients, and give them the tools and expertise they need to move beyond their troubles.

It is also unfair and unjust that the law (particularly tax law) is so complicated that it is almost impossible for a normal person to figure out.  It should not be so difficult to know how to carry on business or hold investments in a tax effective way, or to know how to protect your assets if you are ever sued or face bankruptcy.

It is our job to give you that information, and the solutions you need to look after everything you have built far into the future.

About Damien

I have worked in the legal industry for over 10 years, and I have special training in tax law.

My family has always been in business (milk delivery, plant nurseries, landscaping, building) and been audited more than once.

Discussions at the dinner table were often about how the family business was going and, not uncommonly, the things that were going wrong.

A big competitor just opened up, money was getting tighter, we were getting behind in the rent, and the landlord has just sent us something about going to court.  And we just got a red-bordered letter from the ATO.

We didn’t know any lawyers or accountants, and we didn’t have anyone to ask who had been there before.  The legal system was too complicated, and we didn’t know where to start.

I could tell those were very stressful times for my parents.

I have made it my mission to help people who find themselves in that same place – feeling lost and overwhelmed by the law and the tax office, and not knowing what to do.

Let me and my firm give you a plan to protect your wealth and business, and only pay your fair share of tax.

What we think

You work hard to create your wealth, for yourself and for your family.

It is only right that you should be able to protect what you have built against anyone who wants to sue you.

Taxes are important for any good society, and make Australia a great place to live.  The Tax Office also carries on an important job, and we all know there are people who do the wrong thing.  But that does not mean any of us should have to pay more than our fair share of tax.

The tax system is now so complicated that most lawyers refuse to give specific advice about tax matters.  Their terms of engagement will often say that in the fine print, without you noticing.

We can help business people and their families with their legal issues, while also bringing that essential tax experience to the solution, to avoid a nasty surprise next decade.

Contact Us

  • Telephone:

    0415 379 500

  • Website:


  • Address

    Level 13, 111 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000

    PO Box H206, Australia Square NSW 1215

  • Business Hours:

    Monday: 9am – 5pm
    Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
    Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
    Thursday: 9am – 5pm
    Friday: 9am – 5pm

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